From the Trace to the Cause


It has now been proven: sexual traumas imprint their mark in DNA which by return engenders the cause. The Real is now inscribed in our genetic or neuronal heritage and is susceptible to radioscopy. In the place of the unconscious as a ciphering machine, what becomes substituted is a discourse of number that attempts to enclose jouissance in a neural circuit. The Real no longer raises itself as an obstacle which requires a knowing how to do with it via the symptom; as Neus Carbonell underlines: the subject, in its singularity, in the process of disappearing becomes at the same time a species comparable to all others.

Moreover, this consideration of the Real is nowadays that which widens the deepening gap between psychoanalysis and psychology which, more than ever, has “decided to adopt the finery of the discourse of science” [1] and thus enter the world of the quantifiable; the world of evaluation. What Helen Bonnaud points out in this respect in her opening text, seems very enlightening to me: the brain becomes the principle responsible for the suffering of the speaking being, thus depriving him of any possibility of initiating the signifying machine with respect to its jouissance.

As you may have already gathered, a-kephalos is the name of the Newsletter that will lead us to the Congress Pipol 9 which is being held on the 13th and 14th of July, under the title “The Unconscious and the Brain: Nothing in Common.” Without doubt, you will be drawn into the dark corridors of this new discourse, in particular via the section radioscopy of the neurosciences; but you will mostly hear about the unconscious, through a questioning of the place of the drive, or in the collection of testimonies from analysts who have gone to the end of the experience.

In the first four issues of a-kephalos you will find passionate texts written by our correspondents from the four corners of Europe. To familiarize yourself with the axes which will constitute the structure of this Blog, I invite you to immerse yourself in the argument authored by Yves Vanderveken, director of the Pipol 9 Congress. Your contributions, of no more than 3000 characters including spaces, are more than welcome at the following address:

Translation by Raphael Montague

[1] Miller J.-A., L’orientation lacanienne. Tout le monde est fou (2007-2008), Teaching delivered at the Department of Psychoanalysis, University Paris VIII, Lesson of the 5th of December 2007, Unpublished.

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